Knowledge Transfer Scheme

What its about?
The Forestry KTG, is a scheme funded by the Dept. of Agriculture and has the aim of increasing the level of forest management activity among participating forest owners. It consists of attending 7 classes/events, within a maximum size group of 20 forest owners, overseen by a qualified forester. The topics covered will be set by each group at their first meeting and agreement of future dates/times of the remaining classes will also be agreed.
At least 2 of the events will be held outdoors in a forest location. The indoor events are usually held in the evening from 7.00 to 9.00pm. The course is normally completed over a 2 month period.
It is expected that each group of participants will have varying levels of knowledge and will also learn from each other’s experiences as well as covering the subjects of the curriculum. The expenses incurred by participants will be covered, up to 70.00 euros per event. A minimum of 4 events must be attended by each participant to qualify for any payment.
The forestry KTG is an initiative of the Forest Service in collaboration with LTWO Ltd. Following initial discussions in early 2017, a Pilot Project was run in late 2017/early 2018.
LTWO Ltd organized 5 groups of 20 participants in an area from West Limerick to East Tipperary. This was so successful that a full National Scheme was announced and again LTWO Ltd organized 3 further groups in late 2018/early 2019. In 2020 due to the pandemic, there was a break but continued in 2022/2023. The 2023/24 classes have now completed and we are taking bookings for next Autumns classes, as there are only 20 places per area class, book early to avoid disappointment.

Because Forestry is a new crop/enterprise to Irish farmers, there was a clear requirement to provide a basic level to knowledge and empower them to manage their own forests over its rotation.
- By filling this knowledge gap, a barrier to timber mobilisation can be removed.
- The knowledge gained will improve understanding of the steps required when selling timber and avoid falling prey to unscrupulous companies/individuals acting as buying agents for sawmills.
- Better management of private forests could result in greater productivity and therefore more timber coming to market.
- Introduce forest owners to important issues that affect them , such as Certification and protection against timber theft.
How to Apply?
There are 2 forms, both available here.
The first is an EIO, “Expression of Interest” this is an initial enquiry from any forest owner, suggesting they are interested in becoming a KTG participant. Basic information is required to ascertain if the applicant is qualified to attend. This form needs to be filled and returned to LTWO Ltd.
The second is the full “Participant Application Form” which requires more detail from the applicant. There is also a section where the applicant can nominate another person, usually a family member, to attend an event if the applicant is unable to do so. The applicant will qualify for payment of expenses if the nominee attends an event in their place. Participants cannot be nominees for other participants.
The scheme is open to all forest owners with an F.O. or CN number and aged 18 or over. Only one participant, associated with a single forest property can apply.
A full set of rules are available on request.
Complete the “Expression of Interest” form , sign and email to –